About AMPA

The Air Medical Physician Association (AMPA) is the largest professional organization of physicians dedicated to rotor wing (helicopter), fixed wing (airplane) and critical care ground transport. With over 400 members nationally and internationally the Association represents extensive expertise in the field of medical transport. Our members represent many medical specialties including Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and various Surgical Subspecialties.


The Air Medical Physician Association is an international organization committed to patient-focused, quality critical care transport medicine by promoting excellence in medical direction, research, education, safety, leadership and collaboration.


AMPA will serve as the world’s leading physician organization dedicated to air and ground critical care transport medicine, improving quality of care and patient outcomes by:

  • Providing resources and promoting best practices for medical direction.
  • Fostering research to ensure timely, safe, appropriate, and patient-focused critical care transport medicine.
  • Providing education, knowledge, and expertise within and outside the critical care transport medicine community.
  • Advocating for best practices regarding patient and transport personnel safety.
  • Promoting collaborative relationships, communication, and professional development amongst colleagues with common interests.

Association Office

Air Medical Physician Association
140B Purcellville Gateway Drive, Suite 120
Purcellville, VA 20132

Phone:  540-228-9700
Email:  [email protected]